News brief
Shanna Kelly | Seven Mile Satellite
Photo | Brian Kelly

After cancelling numerous events due to COVID-19, this year's celebration will be "greater than ever," said the Avalon Chamber of Commerce website. All events will include social distancing and some will begin a week earlier.
This year, Avalon's Festival of Trees will be held from Nov. 20-28. The Turkey Trot to support the Helen L. Diller Vacation Home for Blind Children will be held virtually. Participants can run or walk their 5K anywhere, at any time between Nov. 25 and Nov. 30.
Other holiday events such as live music, crafts and carriage rides will be held on Dune Drive on the Friday and Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. Kids won't be able to meet Santa in Avalon due to COVID-19 safety precautions, but there will be a celebratory lighting of the street at 4:30 p.m. This will be followed by drive-in movies at the 30th Street parking lot.
Stone Harbor won't be having its Christmas or pet parade. But on Nov. 27-28 it will have a holiday market at the water tower parking lot, a scavenger hunt, performances and the Festival of Trees. Stone Harbor will allow for socially distanced photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus, with a special visit on Saturday evening.